

Sirya.Qamishlo21.6.15. Headquarter of the scpecial focrce and Asaiys police.
Prisoners member of ISIS. They have joined the Caliphate for a year before surrendering. Once their resort membership is being taken up by YPG treated for yield. from the left:
Nagi Abd Alhamit 37 years old, from the village Palestin Al Garbie, near Tal Hamis village, Qamishlo province. he was a farmer before join the ISIS.
Yasser Melham Alturba 31 years old, from the village Palestin Al Garbie,
profession oil trader( he convinced his brother to join ISIS).
Yammany Melham Alturba from the village Palestin Al Garbie, 20 years old work with his brother in the oil trade. They were blindfolded for security reasons during transport from the place of detention at the police station.They declare that the YPG them from food and water in quantity, do not receive any type of mistreatment.

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