Since the end of June 2016, the new President Rodrigo Duterte has started a war on drugs, involving all the parties from consumers to dealers. This issue has been a key point of his campaign, vowing to stamp out the problem within six months. More than 12,000 filipinos have been killed by the Police and self-proclaimed groups of vigilantes, and the wave of killings shows no sign of subsiding. At night, armed squads of vigilantes go around targeting drug dealers and addicts. After having executed them, they leave on the scene a handwritten sign indicating the crime committed by the victim. There is no clear information about these groups and whether they are really linked to the Police, as some theories argue. One of the connections that links Duterte to death squads is the confession of Edgar Matobato, a member of the Davao Death Squads, founded by Duterte at the time he was mayor of the city of Davao. Many of the victims of summary killings by vigilantes and police appear to have been innocent and none have been proved guilty in a court of law. Aside from mass arrests, for fear of being executed many people turned themselves in to the Police. Prisons and rehabilitation centers are heavily overcrowded. Despite the very high human cost of this revolutionary policy, it is leading to a turning point in the war on drugs. The popularity of President Duterte is growing, as the security for the population in the every-day life improves: many drug addicts are considered violent and dangerous criminals. Extra-judicial killings and statements made by President Duterte during press conferences have determined a strong reaction in the international community, including the United Nations. Nevertheless, Pres. Duterte does not show any intention to change his intents.